Oscars gift bags.After the comedian hit out at the value of the traditional gift bags, estimated to be worth more than $100,000 (£76,000), Lash Fary, founder of Distinctive Assets, responded in a statement to Metro.“Ricky Gervais is a talented comedian, so it’s no surprise that I find the hypocrisy of his ‘goody bag tweet’ hilarious,” he began.“While we do not spend money buying any of the items in our gift bags (much like advertising, this is simply a promotional campaign for brands), the valuation is indeed significant…but not nearly as substantial as Ricky’s recent Netflix deal, the residuals he receives for The Office or his multi-million-dollar home.”He then ended by taking a swipe at Gervais with the same wording he used in his diss tweets. “So if you’re unemployed, take some comfort in the fact that even if you had a job, your salary probably wouldn’t be as much as Ricky Gervais makes for a single episode of After Life.Responding to a fan saying he should have hosted the Oscars, Ricky Gervais imagined his opening speech in a series of tweets.“I’d start with ‘Hello.
I hope this show helps cheer up the ordinary people watching at home. If you’re unemployed for example, take some comfort in the fact that even if you had a job, your salary probably wouldn’t be as much as the goody bag all the actors have just been given.’I'd start with "Hello.
I hope this show helps cheer up the ordinary people watching at home. If you’re unemployed for example, take some comfort in the fact that even if you had a job, your salary probably wouldn't be as much as the goody bag all the actors have just been given."— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) March 27, 2022”’I’m proud to announce that this is the most diverse and progressive Oscars.
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