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Kamala Harris Handily Wins Debate by Triggering Donald Trump

disastrous debate performance in late June.Trump cast Harris’s plans as overly simplistic, saying her economic policy was as short as “four sentences,” summarizing it as “Run, Spot, run.”What appeared to be another pre-rehearsed line was a Trump statement that Harris “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison,” combining two issues that fire up Republican-leaning voters.Trump delivered the line while trying to cast Harris as a “radical left liberal,” referencing a CNN story, dropped a day before the debate, regarding Harris’s response to a 2019 questionnaire from the American Civil Liberties Union.In the questionnaire responses, Harris reportedly affirmed her support for allowing state funds to cover health treatments deemed medically necessary for incarcerated transgender individuals and publicly supported cutting funding for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.While the two issues are separate, they have been conflated as the same issue within right-wing echo chambers.

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Coors Light Abandons the LGBTQ Community and DEI Initiatives
letter, Coors’ company executives said its human resources team began making plans in March to broaden the view of its DEI policies to ensure all employees “know they are welcome.” The beer giant said it would halt all DEI trainings, scuttle requiring suppliers to meet diversity goals, and tie executive compensation solely to business performance rather than “aspirational representation goals.”The company also said it would stop participating in the Human Rights Campaign’s “Corporate Equality Index,” an annual survey that ranks companies based on the existence of their LGBTQ-inclusive nondiscrimination policies, as well as employee benefit policies that recognize same-sex relationships, LGBTQ-headed families, or transgender identities as valid.Starbuck has primarily been targeting companies whose consumer base is perceived as socially conservative, including beer and spirit manufacturers, retail chains, automotive brands like Ford Motor Company, motorcycle giant Harley-Davidson, or agricultural-related companies like Tractor Supply Co. or John Deere.But his campaign appears to be aimed at eventually intimidating or forcing all major corporations — even those with liberal customer bases — into dropping DEI policies, which conservatives claim are a form of “reverse racism” that prioritize the hiring and advancement of people from various minority groups over allegedly more “qualified” heterosexual and cisgender white employees.
GOP Politician to Pay $200,000 for Defaming Drag Performers
sued Love in April 2022, saying he had defamed them in remarks he made during a hearing on a bill he introduced calling for libraries to conduct background checks on employees and volunteers.The performers contended that the bill — which Love cast as an effort to protect children from being in proximity to sex offenders — was an attempt to block Drag Queen Story Hour events from taking place. Love sought to justify introducing the bill by claiming that “a convicted sex offender” had hosted the Drag Queen Teen Time program in Nashua, N.H., in 2019, comments widely understood to be referring to Champion.He alleged that another performer, understood to be referring to McMahon, had been seen “rubbing butts with children” at a similar event in Derry, N.H.Love repeated his accusations multiple times during that month, including making remarks opposing drag-related events at a Derry Town Council meeting on February 15, 2022, where he introduced himself as a state representative, imploring lawmakers to “leave the kids alone” and “let them grow up normal” by preventing them from being exposed to LGBTQ-related content.According to the lawsuit, Love also told a reporter from Manchester Ink Link that he “hope[d] to God” that Champion wasn’t a sex offender, but claimed to have read that Champion was convicted of sex offenses in a newspaper — though he couldn’t remember which one.“I don’t know if it was a Boston Herald or the Union Leader or what,” Love said at the time.
Ford Motors and Lowe’s Hardware Dump LGBTQ Support
CNN, Ford Motor Company’s CEO Jim Farley announced to employees last Wednesday that the automotive giant had changed several of its policies.The company’s employee resource groups would stop focusing on identity and halt participation in external surveys, including the Human Rights Campaign’s “Corporate Equality Index,” which rates companies on their LGBTQ workplace nondiscrimination policies and employee benefits.“We are mindful that our employees and customers hold a wide range of beliefs, and the external and legal environment related to political and social issues continues to evolve,” Farley wrote in the email. He noted that the company does not “utilize hiring quotas or tie compensation to the achievement of specific diversity goals,” does not use “quotas [to] develop a dealer body that reflects the communities they serve,” has shifted the focus of employee resource groups to focus on networking, mentorship, professional development, and community service, and does not limit membership in any employee resource group to anyone based on individual characteristics.Farley insisted that Ford remains committed to creating an “inclusive workspace and building a team that leverages diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and thinking styles.”Right-wing activist Robby Starbuck posted a copy of Farley’s email on X, claiming that the company — like others — had changed its policies after he had informed them he was looking into their policies.Here is @Ford’s full statement I received this morning.
‘Time Bandits’ is a Spirited, Hilarious Fantasy
Time Bandits series charts its own clever course through history.The original movie, written by Gilliam and Monty Python mate Michael Palin, and featuring Palin and John Cleese in supporting roles, served up an eccentric, ruefully sardonic take on myth and modern times.The titular bandits, having stolen God’s map of the universe, had decided to use the all-powerful tool to hopscotch through time, ransacking wealth from the likes of Napoleon, Robin Hood, and King Agamemnon.Along the way, the Bandits, portrayed by six talented men of short stature, crashed through a time portal into the present-day bedroom of 11-year-old history buff Kevin, who was whisked off on the adventure of his life.Not only a spirited, escapist fantasy aimed at kids, Gilliam’s movie was a visual marvel that took fearless turns into dark corners of greed, consumerism, loss, and abandonment. The film’s notoriously bleak ending boldly subverted the common fairy tale that as long as the kid hero makes it home safe from Oz, then all will be rainbows and sunshine.The ten-episode series dabbles in such darkness, but series creators Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi don’t let the show live there.This Time Bandits — following the same premise of hurtling through history searching for loot and treasure — leans much harder on the humor, and that’s where it shines.
Ruby Corado Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud
arrested and charged in March with fraud and money laundering for diverting $150,000 — which was taken from a larger pool of $1.3 million that Casa Ruby had obtained through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) programs — into bank accounts held in El Salvador under her birth name, according to a U.S. Department of Justice news release.Prosecutors claimed Corado passed the money through her consulting company, TIGlobal, in an attempt to circumvent the Small Business Administration’s earlier denial of her EIDL application.Corado was temporarily jailed and placed in solitary confinement for her own protection, until a federal judge decided to release Corado and placed her under house arrest, with GPS monitoring, at the home of a niece in Rockville, Maryland.On Wednesday, July 17, Corado entered a plea deal in which she agreed to plead guilty to one count of wire fraud and give up all proceeds traceable to her offense, in exchange for the government dropping a much larger six-count complaint in which she was charged with bank fraud, money laundering, monetary transactions in criminally derived proceeds, and failure to file a report of a foreign bank account.The wire fraud offense is punishable by up to 30 years in prison.But under federal sentencing guidelines, due to it being Corado’s first offense and the crime not involving violence, Corado could receive a much lighter sentence.Prosecutors have argued that the sentence would fall between 33 to 41 months in prison, while her defense team estimates that she could serve between 15 and 21 months, reports The Washington Post.Corado is next scheduled to appear in court on January 10, 2025, for sentencing.
Texas GOP Unleashes a Horrific Anti-LGBTQ Platform
50-page platform, which delegates approved during the party’s annual state convention in San Antonio on May 25, contains several planks meant to cater to social conservatives. While party platforms are not binding, they generally provide voters with an idea of the issues that will be prioritized by party leadership should they take power and a statement of a party’s values.Among the Texas GOP’s various planks are opposition to marriage equality, including a full repeal of the Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision that overturned various state bans on same-sex marriage, denial of marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and the refusal to recognize same-sex marriages that were legally performed in other states as valid.The party also espouses the right of business owners or state and county employees to refuse to participate in, provide goods and services for, or be forced to recognize the validity of, marriages between two people of the same gender.The party also opposes criminal or civil penalties, including lawsuits or fines, against those who oppose “nontraditional sexual behavior or same-sex relationships due to their religious convictions.”“We affirm God’s biblical design for marriage and family between one biological man and one biological woman, which has proven to be the foundation for all great nations in Western Civilization,” the platform reads.