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Georgia Passes a Sweeping Anti-LGBTQ Law

Reuters that the bill would likely force her organization to shut down.The bill also bans access to gender-affirming care for all people — even adults — and prohibits changing the gender marker on people’s official documents to align with their gender identity rather than their assigned sex at birth. Parliamentary leaders of the governing Georgian Dream party say the legislation is needed to uphold traditional moral values, foster and support the family unit, and protect minors from being unduly influenced by visible displays of LGBTQ identity.As in Russia, the restrictions on LGBTQ rights and visibility are strongly supported by the Orthodox Church, which wields great influence in Georgian society.

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Kentucky Republicans Override Veto of Sweeping Anti-Transgender Bill
several major elements of Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” law, also known as the “Don’t Say Gay” law.Under the newly enacted Kentucky law, school districts are banned from using pronouns that do not match a student’s assigned sex at birth, from teaching certain sex-related courses, and from allowing students to use facilities that match their gender identity, reports Louisville FOX affiliate KDRB.Teachers would be forced to disclose information to parents about their children’s behavior, including whether they are using different names or pronouns that don’t match their sex at birth, or any information disclosed to them by their students about their sexual orientation or gender identity. The new law prohibits schools from teaching human sexuality or sexually-transmitted diseases until after 5th grade, and no student, of any grade level, can receive instruction with “a goal or purpose of students studying or exploring gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.”Schools will also be required to adopt policies informing parents before any class in 6th grade or higher studies sex-related topics, including STDs, and must obtain parental consent before proceeding with any lessons.Schools must also provide alternatives for students whose parents wish to “opt out” of sex-related instruction, and must allow parents to review any materials used in the course of teaching.The bill also prohibits doctors from prescribing puberty blockers or hormones to minors, or from performing surgical interventions to assist a minor in transitioning to a gender that is different from their assigned sex at birth.
Six Killed in Shooting at Nashville Christian School
website, the school not only seeks to educate students but instill strong religious values in them, holding daily services at the school’s chapel and emphasizing service-learning, in which students apply knowledge and critical thinking to address pressing community needs.Drake said investigators found a manifesto, maps of the school, and writings from Hale indicating that the shooting was deliberately planned out.“We have some writings that we’re going over that pertain to this date the actual incident,” he said. “We have a map drawn out of how this was all going to take place.”Metro Nashville police have declined to release any additional information about a possible motive for the shooting.“There’s right now a theory that we may be able to talk about later, but it’s not confirmed,” Drake told reporters on Monday afternoon.According to NBC News, when asked specifically if Hale’s gender identity may have factored into a potential motive, Drake replied, “There is some theory to that, we’re investigating all the leads.”Although The Covenant School’s doors are usually kept locked, Hale was able to enter the school by shooting through a side door and opened fire while walking up a flight of stairs leading to the school’s second floor, reports The National Desk.Hale was heavily armed, and was carrying an assault rifle, a AR-style handgun, and a handgun during the attack, according to Metro Nashville police.
Six Killed by Female Shooter at Nashville Christian School
website, the school not only seeks to educate students but instill strong religious values in them, holding daily services at the school’s chapel and emphasizing service-learning, in which students apply knowledge and critical thinking to address pressing community needs.Drake said investigators found a manifesto, maps of the school, and writings from Hale indicating that the shooting was deliberately planned out.“We have some writings that we’re going over that pertain to this date the actual incident,” he said. “We have a map drawn out of how this was all going to take place.”Metro Nashville police have declined to release any additional information about a possible motive for the shooting.“There’s right now a theory that we may be able to talk about later, but it’s not confirmed,” Drake told reporters on Monday afternoon.According to NBC News, when asked specifically if Hale’s gender identity may have factored into a potential motive, Drake replied, “There is some theory to that, we’re investigating all the leads.”Although The Covenant School’s doors are usually kept locked, Hale was able to enter the school by shooting through a side door, making her way up to the school’s second floor and opening fire as she made her way up the stairs, reports The National Desk.Hale was heavily armed, and was carrying an assault rifle, a AR-style handgun, and a handgun during the attack, according to Metro Nashville police.
Ugandan Law Criminalizes People Who Identify as LGBTQ and their Allies
cracking down on homosexuality, essentially making it illegal to identify publicly as LGBTQ — or even express support for the LGBTQ community.The bill builds upon the country’s existing colonial-era laws criminalizing consensual same-sex activity, which is punishable by life imprisonment, targeting a host of free speech-related activities in order to discourage LGBTQ visibility in any form.Under the bill, individuals or institutions that support or fund LGBTQ-related groups or organizations, or publish or distribute pro-gay media or literature, can be prosecuted and imprisoned.Media groups, journalists, and publishers who similarly broadcast or distribute LGBTQ-related content that “promotes homosexuality” also face imprisonment, reports CNN. Property owners can potentially be jailed if they allow their properties to be used as a “brothel,” which is so broadly defined that it can include any gathering space where people are planning or advocating on behalf of the LGBTQ community, or where same-sex sexual activity can potentially take place — regardless of whether such acts actually occur.Cisgender allies of the LGBTQ community can be prosecuted and imprisoned for advocating or expressing support for LGBTQ rights.Friends, family members, and neighbors can also be penalized for failing to inform on individuals they know are engaged in same-sex relationships or LGBTQ advocacy — effectively creating a de facto police state where individual beliefs or free speech rights are under surveillance.The law also imposes the death penalty for those found guilty of “aggravated homosexuality,” a term referring to people who engage in homosexual conduct with another person who cannot or does not consent, or commits such acts under
Kansas Governor Vetoes Transgender Sports Ban
previous vetoes withstood override attempts, it is unclear whether the Republican-led legislature will amass the votes needed to enact the measure over Kelly’s objections — although initial vote tallies in both chambers seem to indicate the votes are there.Last year, Republicans seized upon Kelly’s vetoes as a major campaign issue, trying to paint her in TV and radio ads as out-of-step with Kansans and as hostile to women’s athletics, arguing that allowing transgender females to compete puts cisgender athletes at a disadvantage, robbing them of the opportunity to win awards and other honors.During the campaign, Kelly said that decisions on transgender eligibility should be left to individual schools, doctors, families, and local officials. As reported by The Associated Press, Kelly claimed that the bills favored by Republicans would have “created unnecessary new government mandates,” and could have potentially hurt the state’s business climate by creating a backlash similar to the one experienced by North Carolina when it passed a transgender restroom ban in 2016. Despite the onslaught of attack ads trumpeting the transgender sports issue, Kelly was ultimately re-elected narrowly last November.If Republicans do override Kelly’s veto, it would make Kansas the 19th state to pass a law restricting transgender participation in female-designated sports, prohibiting any student assigned male at birth from competing against women athletes, except in the case of a co-ed sports team or club.
Mother and Trans Daughter to Flee Florida Over Health Care Restrictions
rule, which prohibits minors from receiving hormone therapies, puberty-blocking drugs, or gender confirmation surgery, was adopted on March 16, based on guidance from the Florida Department of Health.The Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine is expected to adopt an identical rule later this month, and the state has already barred Medicaid from covering gender-affirming treatments for transgender adults wishing to transition.That guidance discourages transgender minors from transitioning — not only medically, but socially, warning medical practitioners that minors with gender dysphoria should not be allowed to present or dress in a manner that does not match their assigned sex at birth.But those restrictions are now leading some parents of transgender or nonbinary minors to consider fleeing Florida in order to ensure their children can present themselves as the gender with which they identify.One of those parents, Heather St. Amand, a Tampa Bay area resident whose lived in the state for nearly her entire life, says the state’s recent decisions targeting those who receive gender-affirming care is motivating her to leave the state, reports Tampa Bay area CBS affiliate WTSP.“For my daughter, if she hadn’t received gender-affirming care when she did, I don’t know that she would still be here,” St.
Lady Gaga’s Academy Award Performances, Ranked
Lady Gaga’s illustrious career has been punctuated by a series of standout Oscar performances throughout the years, with each one further cementing her status as one of the most versatile and dynamic performers of her generation.Coincidentally, she has also been nominated for four Oscars — one for each of her three Best Original Song contenders and once as a tribute performer.With another high-profile performance under her belt as of last week, it’s worth taking a closer look at each of these showings and assessing how they stack up against one another.Here are Gaga’s four Academy Award performances, ranked from “worst” to best.4. Hold My HandGaga’s stripped-down performance of “Hold My Hand” from Top Gun: Maverick was one of the most anticipated moments of the 2023 Oscars.Although the tune was nominated for Best Original Song, her performance was not confirmed until the day of the ceremony, as the team behind the Oscars had initially said she would not be performing.Gaga graced the red carpet in full makeup and a stunning black gown but changed into a more casual outfit of a black t-shirt and jeans with holes in the knees for her performance.Before singing, Gaga spoke to the crowd, sharing a message of hope and encouragement.“We need a lot of love to walk through this life, and we all need a hero sometimes,” she said.