5/11/24: Celebs Rumors


Meghan Markle ignites fierce debate after wearing dress called ‘Windsor’ during Nigeria trip: ‘Done as a snub’

on her recent trip to Nigeria.Online sleuths did not miss the connection between the style name of the blush pink Heidi Merrick dress and the British royal house that Markle, 42, and husband Prince Harry, 39, infamously left in 2020.While some wondered if it was a subtle nod to the House of Windsor, others saw it as an affront.“But they have been trying to erase the Windsors from their lives completely, but here comes Mrs. Sussex wearing a dress called ‘Windsor’, haha!!” one person commented on X.“Done as a snub.

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‘Hauntings,’ the ‘impossible’: ‘The Exorcist’ and what you never knew about the iconic horror film
CGI movie technology, it is getting harder and harder to deliver that true spine-chilling internal fear that makes horror films so great.Gen Z and Gen Alpha kids may arrogantly scoff at retro scary movies, but it hasn’t always been this way.There was once a time when picture-goers were so viscerally terrified by what they were seeing on the big screen that it would trigger powerful physical reactions right there in the theater.During Jaws (1975) people fainted and vomited in the cinema during some of the gruesome scenes, while others stopped going swimming in the ocean altogether out of pure fear.Alfred Hitchcock’s classic film Psycho (1960) sparked mania during the infamous shower stabbing scene, with reports of people hyperventilating and passing out in their cinema chairs.However, one of the most horrifying movies to ever hit the big screen, causing widespread panic, fear and repulsion, is William Friedkin’s The Exorcist (1973).Based on William Peter Blatty’s 1971 novel, the film follows the demonic possession of a young girl and her mother’s attempt to rescue her through an exorcism by two Catholic priests.With some wildly disturbing scenes, including some bizarre 360 degree head spinning, eerie spider-walking on the stairs and some disgusting projective lime-green vomit, it shocked those 1970s audiences to their core.One particular vulgar scene involving a crucifix — that is too crude to describe here — shocked and upset many, especially considering the percentage of people who were religious back then.The flick was so scary that even renowned Chicago Sun-Times film critic Roger Ebert was at a loss for words about how it made him feel.“I am not sure exactly what reasons people will have for seeing this movie; surely