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Biden Breaks Record for Most LGBTQ Judges Confirmed

report from The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.Additionally, no openly transgender or nonbinary judge has ever been nominated, let alone confirmed, to the federal bench. An openly LGBTQ person has never served on nine of the 13 federal circuit courts, or on 77 of the country’s 94 federal district courts.An openly LGBTQ person has also never served as a lifetime district court judge in 39 states — or within the borders of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, whose jurisdiction extends to the states of Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota.“Having more judges, including openly LGBTQ judges, who come from all of our communities helps to build more trust in the judiciary and brings vitally important perspectives into our justice system,” Lena Zwarensteyn, senior director of the fair courts program at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, said in a statement.“As LGBTQ rights are being subject to litigation across the country, it is increasingly clear that we need judges at all levels of the judiciary who understand what’s at stake.

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Florida County Pushes to Ban All LGBTQ Books
expanded “Don’t Say Gay” law.Charlotte County Schools Superintendent Mark Vianello and Michael McKinley, the attorney for the Charlotte County Schools, recently responded to questions from the district’s librarians at a July meeting asking whether the law required the removal of books with LGBTQ characters but contained no explicit sex scenes.“Books with LBGTQ+ characters are not to be included in classroom libraries or school library media centers,” Vianello and McKinley said in response, according to a district memo obtained under a public information request by the Florida Freedom to Read Project.The nonprofit group, which opposes the law’s provisions making it easier to challenge or remove books from schools, provided the memo to The Associated Press last week.After receiving negative press, the district backed off slightly from an across-the-board ban, clarifying that it primarily applied to elementary and middle schools.The district said that high school libraries could keep non-explicit books with LGBTQ characters and themes in their collections, but could not use any of those books in classroom instruction, according to the investigative journalism website Popular Information.The expansion of the “Parental Rights in Education” law — dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” law by critics — passed earlier this year after conservatives said the original 2022 law didn’t go far enough in stopping LGBTQ-themed materials from being accessed by minors.Under the new restrictions, the ban on LGBTQ content was applied to all grades — except in rare instances for some high school biology or health classes.The law also allows any county resident — regardless of whether they have children enrolled in school — to demand the removal of books
Adam Mac Cancels Concert Over Anti-Gay Protests
social media post released last Thursday, Mac, a native of Russellville, Kentucky, explained why he had canceled his gig at the Logan County Tobacco and Heritage Festival, where he was scheduled to headline the festival’s finale concert on October 14.In the video, Mac explained that a member of the Logan County Chamber of Commerce, which organizes the festival, had called him to inform him that “questions” had been raised about his performance, as reported by Entertainment Weekly.“She explained to me that there were some board members and some people in town who had questions about what kind of performance I would be putting on at the Tobacco Festival, and wanted to ensure that I would not be promoting homosexuality or ‘sexuality’ in a family-friendly environment,” he said. “I don’t really know what they expected I was gonna do other than just come and put on a hell of a show like we do.”Mac said he was warned that some people were “very upset” that an openly gay artist would be headlining the festival, and had informed members of the Chamber of Commerce that they intended to protest the concert as a result — a development he called “disheartening.”He defended the right of local residents to “not listen” to his music or “not come to the show,” but said he was disturbed that his mere presence at the festival would lead people to threaten to boycott or protest the festival.“I went back and forth all night long about, what is the right thing to do?” Mac said.
Teacher Fired Over Lesbian Content from Anne Frank Graphic Novel
Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation, an illustrated adaptation of Frank’s indispensable, historic book The Diary of a Young Girl. In the passage, the then-teenaged author and victim of the Holocaust described her genitals and attraction to other females.Frank, a German-born Jewish teenager who died in 1945, just months before Germany’s defeat in World War II, wrote the diary during a two-year time period when she and her family were in hiding to avoid being sent to Nazi death camps, remaining ensconced in a secret annex above the Amsterdam warehouse for the company that her father had owned.The graphic novel, which hews closely to the text of the unedited, original version of Diary, contains portions of Frank’s diary that had previously been edited out of the book’s 1952 English edition, but were restored in the book’s 1989 republication, reports The Dallas Morning News.Those censored sections included passages where Frank wrote about her understanding of male and female genitalia — including the development of her own body during puberty — and where she expressed feelings of attraction toward a female friend.Pulling from those passages, the graphic novel adaptation depicts Frank asking a female friend if she’d feel comfortable exposing their breasts to each other, with her friend declining.
Two Librarians Fired Over Rainbow Autism Symbol
Emma & Mommy Talk to God, The Color Purple, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Separate is Never Equal, Wonder, and To Kill a Mockingbird. Of those titles, only The Color Purple contains LGBTQ content.The display had a piece of artwork showing a child in a wheelchair against a background of five colors, along with a quote from poet Maya Angelou reading, “In diversity there is beauty and strength.”The display also contained a multicolored infinity symbol, symbolizing autism awareness, with the slogan, “We all think differently,” reports The Topeka Capital-Journal.A temporary summer employee, Ruth Splitter, believed the autism symbol signified support for LGBTQ Pride, and told Lancaster, during an argument on June 22, she found it offensive.Even after being told it was a neurodiversity and autism logo, Splitter launched into an “anti-LGBT diatribe,” according to the librarians’ lawsuit.That same day, Splitter complained to library board member Michelle Miller in a text about “gay pride.” Miller, the vice chair of the library board, told Splitter she would raise her concerns at the board meeting the following day, allegedly telling her, “We’re not going to have that display up because I will rally the board members to call [Wheeler] to take it down.”Miller then texted Wheeler, saying she had stopped by the library, even though she had not.“I do not want any kind of rainbow display (aside from solely colors focused) especially in this month,” Miller said, referencing the fact that June is celebrated as Pride Month.