Concussions: Celebs Rumors


Princess Anne is ‘recovering slowly’ after horse-related head injury, husband says

suffering a head injury on June 23.As Sir Timothy, 69, departed the medical facility on Wednesday morning, press asked, “How’s your wife, Sir? Is she doing well?” according to a video shared on X (formerly Twitter) by ITV’s Chris Ship.“Recovering slowly, thank you,” he replied as he walked toward a car.“Do you expect her out today, Sir?” another inquired, to which Sir Timothy responded: “She’ll be out when she’s ready.”Sir Timothy offered similar comments regarding Princess Anne’s recovery following an earlier visit to his wife on June 25, according to another video shared by Ship.“She’s doing fine,” Sir Timothy remarked on Tuesday. “Slow but sure.”When asked if he’s taken anything from home to bring the princess royal, 73, he revealed, “Just a few little treats from home.”The retired Royal Navy officer told a well-wisher “she is recovering well, thank you,” according to Reuters.“We are both profoundly grateful to the medical team and hospital support staff for their expert care — and to the emergency services who were all so wonderful at the scene,” Sir Timothy expressed at the time.

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