Blur: Celebs Rumors


The WAEVE on how their family life and “the horrors of the world” shaped new album ‘City Lights’

The WAEVE‘s Graham Coxon and Rose Elinor Dougall have spoken to NME about how raising a daughter together shaped not only their view of the world, but their second album ‘City Lights’.The Blur guitarist and Pipettes singer’s second studio album swiftly follows the couple’s 2023 self-titled debut, and comes driven by what Dougall referred to “a bit more sleep deprivation”. It is inspired by their lives with young daughter, Eliza May – who has a song in her honour on the record.“We felt that we’d built a bit of momentum up with the first one, and wanted to be sure that it didn’t drop off,” Dougall told NME.

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