Scots gran isolated for 14 weeks has emotional reunion with family in new 'extended household bubble'
coronavrius pandemic has finally reunited with her family.Nora Watson, 87, hasn't been able to meet up with loved ones for 14 weeks after Scotland went into lockdown in March.As the country moves into phase two, Nora, from Carnoustie in Angus, is one of many people who can now form an 'extended household group' or 'bubble'.The former secretary was 'over the moon' to be reunited with her daughter, Audrey Cherry, 64, and son-in-law, 63-year-old John Cherry from Abroath.Nora told the Record: "I didn't leave my house for the fist two months, but for the past couple of weeks I've been going out for a walk at 5pm and that's it."I've only seen Audrey and John when they've dropped shopping off for me."It's lovely to be with them again."Nora was