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Gov. Andy Beshear Bans Conversion Therapy in Kentucky

2023 study by The Trevor Project, an LGBTQ crisis intervention and suicide prevention nonprofit, found that 15% of LGBTQ youth reported being subjected to conversion therapy, with that subgroup being more than twice as likely to have attempted suicide over the past year than individuals who never underwent conversion therapy.Beshear, an LGBTQ ally, noted that he still hopes Kentucky lawmakers will take action to ban such practices but issued the order due to a lack of action by the state’s Republican-dominated legislature.Lawmakers previously overrode a veto Beshear issued of a sweeping anti-LGBTQ bill that bars gender-affirming care for minors, prohibits schools from acknowledging student’s gender identities and pronouns, and blocks LGBTQ-related content from being talked about in schools.“To me, [the issue is] not even about gender or sexuality. It’s about protecting our youth from an inhumane practice that hurts them,” Beshear said during the signing on September 17.He pushed back on critics who claim that banning conversion therapy infringes on anti-LGBTQ individuals’ free speech rights or forces individuals to adopt beliefs that may conflict with their religious views.“Today’s action does not force an ideology on anybody.

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Trixie Mattel Is Hotter — And Busier — Than Ever
Drag Race All-Stars winner had her hand in a number of different industries and projects before the world shut down, and now that people can travel again and attend large in-person events once more (relatively safely, that is), the drag queen otherwise known as Brian Firkus is working overtime.In 2022 alone, Mattel has all of the following projects coming up or currently in progress: a drag tour with best friend Katya that extends into the end of the year; a musical tour of Europe that will see Trixie performing her signature blend of country, pop, and Americana; her two web series UNHhhh and Netflix’s I Like to Watch (both with Katya), each of which have new episodes on the horizon; a new book (again with Katya) about God and drag, publishing in October; running her company Trixie Cosmetics; her weekly newsletter GOOPED (once again, with Katya); the summer release of her double CD The Blonde & Pink Albums, which have already launched several singles; and the opening of her Palm Springs motel, the creation of which will be chronicled in her upcoming docuseries Trixie Motel, scheduled to begin airing on Discovery+ on June 1.Just one of those projects would be enough to keep anyone busy, but somehow, Mattel has the energy, time, and talent to not only keep them all going, but to ensure they’re all going to be incredibly successful.Her track record as one of the hardest-working and potentially one of the wealthiest queens to emerge from Drag Race (though Mattel is shy about touting her own financial prowess) suggests that her empire will only keep expanding, and at a surprisingly rapid rate.