Snow: Celebs Rumors


Reese Witherspoon sparks heated debate: Is it OK to eat snow? Experts weigh in

Reese Witherspoon is sparking a heated debate about whether it’s safe to eat snow after sharing a video of herself making a “Snow Salt Chococinno” on Friday.“Oh my gosh, it’s so good,” she gushed on TikTok after adding salted caramel sauce, chocolate syrup, and cold-brewed coffee to the snow she had scooped off her covered grill.The deluge of concerned comments prompted Witherspoon, 47, to make not one, but three, follow-up TikToks to address worries. In the first, she microwaved the snow to produce clear water in an attempt to combat the “dirty” snow rumors.“So, we’re kind of in the category of, ‘you only live once,’ and it snows maybe once a year here,” Witherspoon explained in the second follow-up clip.

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