Affordable Care Act: Celebs Rumors


Judge Says Companies Can Deny PrEP Coverage For Religious Reasons

A federal judge from Texas, Judge Reed O’Connor has made a shocking ruling, stating that the inclusion of the HIV treatment was a violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.This comes after companies Braidwood Management and Kelley Orthodontics brought the case to the US District Court. The companies were represented by Johnathan Mitchell, a man infamously known for his anti-abortion behaviour.The companies filed the lawsuit, stating that PrEP’s coverage in the Affordable Care Healthcare Act (ACA) forced religious companies with anti-LGBTQ+ to finance and help “homosexual behaviour.”Their argument was that including the PrEP treatment “forces religious employers to provide coverage for drugs that facilitate and encourage homosexual behaviour… prostitution, sexual promiscuity, and intravenous drug use.”With Judge O’Connor’s ruling, neither of the companies is required to cover PrEP costs for their employers.

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