Ruth Taylor: Celebs Rumors


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Studio owner remembers how Oasis “nailed it live” when recording ‘Definitely Maybe’
Oasis recording debut album ‘Definitely Maybe’ ahead of their reunion tour next year.Liam and Noel Gallagher recorded most of the seminal record at Sawmills Studio in Golant 30 years ago, which has hosted the likes of The Stone Roses, Muse and Robert Plant over the years.“They basically nailed it live, which is the way I like to record,” John Cornfield, a producer, sound engineer and co-owner of the studio, told the BBC in a new interview.“You could tell they had played them a load of times as there was no messing about,” he added.“They just went in there and bang, bang, bang – three takes or so and nailed it,” he went on. “I had no idea that it would turn into the monster it did.”The band – which was comprised of Noel, Liam, Paul ‘Bonehead’ Arthurs, Paul ‘Guigsy’ McGuigan and Tony McCarroll at the time – also stayed at the studio, which is only accessible by a trek on foot or a boat that runs twice a day when the tide is right.“The boys used to play pool in the lounge, which also had a turntable,” shared Ruth Taylor, who was the studio manager at the time of the recording.She added: “They had sent a copy of their first single [‘Supersonic’] from the record company, which hadn’t been recorded here, and Liam put it on and said: ‘Ruth, listen to this.