Drivers who are set to turn 70 are being urged not to delay on filling out crucial paperwork when it arrives in the post this month.
Motorists who are reaching the age of 70 are required to renew their driving licence at this age and then every three years after that.Those turning 70 in May 2025 should receive a D46P form from the DVLA this month and it's up to the driver to declare on this form that they are still fit and able to drive safely.
The Older Driver's Forum said it is up to the individual to judge this. They advise that if you are not confident you can make the judgement yourself you can take professional advice from a Driving Mobility Centre.But they have also warned that motorists should not delay in filling out the forms.
On their website they stated: "DVLA is currently very slow in renewing licences." 1. Online using the GOV.UK web site.
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