Cooking: Celebs Rumors


Ina Garten dated husband Jeffrey’s roommate before ‘messy’ proposal and separation

Be Ready When the Luck Happens,” (out Oct. 1), per People, Ina shared that when she was 16, she visited her brother Ken at Dartmouth College. While on campus, her mother asked Ken to fix her up with a classmate.“I’d dressed in my best blue skirt, my favorite blue-­and-­white wool and angora sweater, the new blue Pappagallos that I’d bought with my own money so my mother couldn’t refuse to buy them for me, and a blue grosgrain ribbon in my hair,” the renowned chef wrote in her book.Of course, Jeffrey ended up spotting his now-wife of 56 years on campus, but soon found out there were other ingredients added to the mix that evening.

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