Steve Cohen: Celebs Rumors


How Billy Joel’s Madison Square Garden Special Became Appointment Viewing — and Benefitted From an Accidental Early Cutoff: A Variety FYC Streaming Room Panel

Chris Willman Senior Music Writer and Chief Music Critic When Billy Joel’s camp decided to commemorate his 100th show of a mega-residency at Madison Square Garden with a television special, the question arose of whether to go with a major streamer or a major broadcast network. But there was little doubt in the end that they would go with the most populist possible pick, as the producers of “Billy Joel: The 100th Live at Madison Square Garden” explained in a panel discussion for the Variety FYC Streaming Room. “No one has ever sold out a hundred shows at Madison Square Garden, and I don’t think anybody ever will,” said Steve Cohen, a cohort of Joel’s for about 50 years who is one of the show’s executive producers.

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