Paul Laverty: Celebs Rumors


Ken Loach gives support to Jonathan Glazer following Oscars speech about Israel Palestine conflict

Jonathan Glazer’s Oscar acceptance speech.While accepting the award for Best International Film for The Zone Of Interest, Glazer refuted his “Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people”.While many have shown their support for Glazer’s speech, he has received criticism from The Holocaust Survivors’ Foundation USA.In addition, many Jewish members of the creative industry have signed an open letter claiming he was “fuel[ling] a growing anti-Jewish hatred around the world”.Speaking with Variety, Loach said that he had “great respect” for the director, calling him “very brave”. He said: “And I’m sure he understood the possible consequences, which makes him braver still, so I’ve got great respect for him and his work.”He also spoke about the Jewish community, saying that Glazer received: “Lots of support from many, many Jewish people who said it breaks the stereotype that all Jewish people support what Israel is doing, because clearly that’s not the case … [The speech] was hugely valuable in that it shows that diversity.

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Left-Wing Director Ken Loach, Writer Paul Laverty on the Poisonous Seed-Bed for Far Right Politics in Britain’s Rust-Belt Communities
Leo Barraclough International Features Editor In “The Old Oak,” which played in Competition in Cannes, Ken Loach portrays a village in the North-East of England where the indigenous white community comes into conflict with Syrian refugees – a conflict fuelled by the despair, deprivation and decline of the rust-belt region. Such conditions can be a seed-bed for far right groups, the director tells Variety. Such issues have not been explored sufficiently in film and television, Loach says, and he draws a parallel with the portrayal of the rise of Nazism in Germany in the mass media. “We have endless programs about the Second World War, about the horrors of Nazism and fascism, about the racism, about the Holocaust. Quite properly, we have endless programs about that, but what they refuse to point out is that that arose from alienation, anger, feeling cheated, and finding scapegoats. And that’s how we ended up with Hitler, and that’s the ground in which the far right flourishes. One of the points of the film is to say: This is the cause of fascism. This is where it comes from. This is its seed-bed, and it comes as an inevitable consequence of our economic system. Because if the neoliberal agenda was an essential development for capitalism, to use the old-fashioned word, then that’s where fascism comes from. Implicit in that is that the far right will rise because that’s how people will be heading. And they know that and yet the mass media, the press, just turn their backs on that. They’ll tell us all about the horrors of Hitler. Sure. But they won’t tell us how he came to power. And that’s the huge lesson. And we see it in essence now all the time.”